December 24, 2010

INN: Don't Cum In Me

I've had this video saved in my Firefox tabs for a few weeks now, searching for the right words to say about it. Is it possible that this song is so unconscionably ignorant that it rendered me speechless?? Why, yes it quite possibly is.

What kind of low-life, skeezy, slut bucket of a bitch would even agree to participate in this foolishness?? I mean, anonymously (terribly) singing the hook to a song is one thing, but then you have your face shown in the video?? That's just dumb.

Somebody should inform her that she can't sing, and she ain't gonna make it, so she's probably gonna have to get a job one day. And something tells me singing about this alternative form of contraception isn't something most potential employers are looking for.

I think that pretty much wraps things up. Now all that's left is to wait to pay for these ignorant fucks to reproduce, if they haven't started already (and I'm sure they have).