November 05, 2011

Justin Bieber Rips It

I gave the Biebs some grief for wanting to be apart of the BET Hip-Hop Awards Cyphers last month, but after this, I may have to rethink my stance. The first 16 bars were garbage, there's no defending that, but the rest was dope. He blazed it like guys like Soulja Boy couldn't do if they were given a month to prepare. Props to the Biebs.

In other Bieber news, the big story this week (besides the Kim Kardashian wedding hoax) is this young ho trying to hustle her baby off on him. He appeared on TODAY yesterday and shot the rumor down, but I still don't think that's gonna save her from the ass whooping his crazed fans will have for her if they catch her in the streets.

Also, apparently she tried to hustle her struggle baby off on another dude at some point last year. Damn, that child has less chance of succeeding than Chasity Storms' kids.