February 13, 2012

STFU Award: Kelly Dwyer & The Asian American Journalists Association

On Sunday, Jason Whitlock was forced to apologize for the following hilarious joke he tweeted Friday night after Jeremy Lin's 38 point explosion.
A major contributing factor in this "decision" was pressure from the Asian American Journalists Association, who called for an apology Saturday.

On Monday, Yahoo! Sports doucher writer Kelly Dwyer ripped Whitlock and deemed the tweet unfunny.

Sigh. Here we go again.

First off, can we please stop with this oversensitive bullshit already? It's so fucking pathetic that a grown damn man can't make an attempt at humor on Twitter without dickholes like the AAJA and Kelly Dwyer jumping down his throat.

Fuck it, I'm not even going to waste my time roasting these idiots for getting up-in-arms over a fucking tweet, I'm just going to say, PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!