August 14, 2007

Ball Park's Taking It Too Far!

No offense to gay people, but man these new [...ish] Ball Park Franks commercials are MAD HOMO! lol. Yo, I know you guys have seen this shit here where some swoll arm pops out of a boys stomach and shoves a penis-esque hot dog into his mouth as he tries to sleep. Maybe I just have my gaydar turned up too high right now, but its something about some man's gargantuan arm shoving a plump, juicy wiener into a boy's mouth that makes me a little uncomfortable lol. The fact that he's sleep only adds insult to injury...or comedy to insult... I dunno whichever comes first (no pun intended) lol. Whatever, lets at least get one with a female (like the ones below lol) if we're gonna be shoving moist, succulent, mustard garnished, dick-shaped meat product into people's mouths... I think I took it too far with the last one LMAO.