August 20, 2007

The Real White World

I wanted to write about this shit when I initially saw this year's cast of The Real World, but it really never was that important to me because I knew I was gonna watch it. Coming off the greatness that was last season in Denver, I should've known MTV would fuck shit up by having an all white cast! not even ONE Black or Hispanic! I was irate when I first found this shit out, but I've calmed down since (maybe that's why I didn't write this before lol). I still can't believe it though, I mean Real World used to be the shit but now its hit an all-time low with this being its first 100% all white cast. Now that I'm writing this I'm getting mad all over again lol. Matter of fact, I planned to write more but I just can't bare it so I'm just gonna sit here & act like this bullshit aint on until next season...damn MTV is fuckin up!