July 23, 2008

Girl Fight!

Speaking of "Girl Fight", what ever happened to Brooke Valentine?? Wow! lol.

Anyway, when I first read the headline that there was a "brawl" in a WNBA I was like WTF?? First of all because it was the 3rd story on ESPN.com underneath Brett Favre trade talks (understandable) and Josh Children signing with some team in Greece (who the fuck cares???) but its all good because it turns out that it wasn't shit. I love a good girl fight, but ain't no titties come out or nothin'! And I don't think its a successful girl fight unless at least one titty pops out lol. Oh well., its worth watching anyway...oh and please get off Rick Mahorn's case, he did NOT push Lisa Leslie down on purpose lol.

Then again I guess this was alright for the first fight in league history. Lets work on getting those titties out next time ladies (mainly Candace Parker's lol).