July 29, 2008

Random News Shit

1) House apologizes for slavery and Jim Crow

wow! Seriously?? They're about 40-50 years later late but I guess better late than never lol.

2) L.A. bans fast-food in poor areas

That's nice, but wouldn't it be better to just make healthy food more affordable?? I mean of course we all like fast-food and all that shit BUT if it wasn't fuckin' $7-8 for a cup of pineapples at Whole Foods and $1 for a double cheese burger at McDonalds I bet we wouldn't have this problem lol.

3) Florida 'Gators' know how to party!

I believe it because I know a bunch of people up there at UF lol.

4) Student finds it pays to swear on exam

I wish I could've done this a few times back in the day lol.

5) Children targets of $1.6 billion in food ads

Sur-fuckin'-prise! lol.