April 14, 2009

Making Sense Of The Jamie Foxx/Miley Cyrus "Controversy"

Man, the internet has really gone wild with this Jamie Foxx thing! People are calling him racist and asking why he's talking about a 16 year-old girl and its all fuckin' HILARIOUS! I've listened to every episode of the Foxxhole since 2007 and as hard as they go in on people (including each other) I just think its funny that the one person they cracked on that has everyone spazzing out is fuckin' Miley Cyrus. Seriously, Miley Cyrus! Hannah Mon-fuckin'-tana! I promise you they never would've even thought to talk about her if the caller didn't bring it up first, so the fact that someone cut a 2 hour and 23 minute COMEDY SHOW into a 1 minute and 30 seconds "Miley Cyrus tirade" is too damn funny. It truly doesn't get any better than that lol.

Anyway, I understand that everyone doesn't listen to the Foxxhole (Sirius 106, XM 149) so they don't know how they get down and that's fine, but could it be any more blatant that these were just jokes?? The way shit is going on Perez Hilton's comments and YouTube, you'd think that Jamie was being serious. I mean I know the man has an Oscar and all now, but how soon we forget that Jamie Foxx IS A COMEDIAN. Foxxhole Radio IS A COMEDY STATION! They play comedy skits ALL DAY until one of the shows come on at night. You're telling me shit is so crazy right now that comedians can't say outlandish shit anymore?? N-word please! Comedy is based off people saying and doing outlandish shit, so why would anyone take it to heart?? What kinda idiot takes jokes literally?? Lets just put it like this, if you were dumb enough to actually think Jamie Foxx wants Miley Cyrus to, "catch Chlamydia on a bicycle seat," then you're a moron and should drink a bleach shake and die.

Oh well, at the end of the day them fools on the Foxxhole don't give a shit about this and if Miley is waiting for a public apology, she's gonna be waiting for a long ass time. On the Foxxhole they say whatever they want and it always turns out great so they're gonna keep doing what they want. That's why I wish I had a show on there so fuckin' bad! Man, my show would be the shit! I'd probably say waaaaay worse shit than this Miley shit too lol.

You know what?? I blame this all on Jamie Foxx for being so talented. That's right, the nigga is just too damn talented! He couldn't just settle for being an exceptional comedian, he had to become an Oscar winning actor and platinum selling artist too. Now everybody is up in arms because Jamie is such a talented actor and singer that they've forgot he was a comedian. That's all his own fault. Damn you Jamie Foxx for being so talented and making it hard on us regular niggas lol.

If for some reason you missed this episode click here to check out Jamie and the crew cracking on Flo Rida, Black Eyed Peas, Terrence Howard, as well as your girl Gumby Miley Cyris. Shout out to Captain Cornball for the link and shout out to Claudia Jordan's fine ass for writing me back on Facebook! (One step closer to impregnation! A nigga gonna be set for life! lol.)