September 07, 2010

DMX Disses Plies??

Before things get too out of hand, let's go ahead and dead the hype now: DMX DID NOT DISS PLIES. DMX was asked a question, then DMX answered the question. People kill me with this shit calling everything a diss, or saying somebody hatin' blah blah blah. Man the fuck up! How many billions of people are there in the world?? Believe it or not, everybody doesn't have the same views as you. Yes, that's right, other people have opinions as well. I know, this a shocking concept to some dickheads out there, but it's true.

Now, had DMX just took the liberty to say Plies was trash after the song went off, then people would have a case, but the man was asked a question. Let's stop making a big deal out of someone sharing their opinion, especially when they were asked for it.