September 14, 2010

This Week In Flops 9/14/10

Trey Songz
I could just be slipping, but I had no idea this album was coming out until this past Friday. Usually when that happens, I know I'm not alone that, but this time I'm pretty sure I am.

Ladies love Trey (since he blew up, but definitely not before), so I'm sure this will top the charts next week. I'm thinking somewhere in the 140-180k range.

(Side note: How creepy is this album cover?? Trey looks like a stalker looking outside somebody's window. Nobody at Atlantic realized this??)

Marques Houston
Okay, I may have been the only person who didn't know Trey Songz's new album was dropping, but I KNOW I'm not the only one who had no idea Marques Houston was even recording a new album, let alone releasing one. What a terrible day for an R&B singer to release album. Marques' label must not like him very much, because besides being washed up hindering this album's sales, dropping on the same day as the reigning R&B King surely does. This would be like Black Rob dropping an album on the same day as Jay-Z.

Anyway, I'm guessing 5-15k.

(Side note: Again, what's up with the album cover?? Why put a big extra hairy arm dead in the center of an album targeted at women?? Cool if it's the 70's, not so much in 2010.)

Rah Digga
I thought this was a mixtape?? Oh, aight then.

Well I love Rah Digga, and I'm glad to see her back, but we all know this isn't gonna sell. That's not necessarily a terrible thing, I mean, it's not like she was ever a huge mainstream artist anyway. I'm gonna go with 2-10k.