January 29, 2009

Rhymefest - Supersonic (Chucky Cheese) (Charles Hamilton Diss)

Aight, lets go in!

Rhymefest - Supersonic (Chucky Cheese) (Charles Hamilton Diss)

I knew he was gonna spit over that JJ Fad, I freakin' knew it! Not that it was a bad thing, I just wanted to show off my psychic skills for a few.

Okay, now as far as the diss goes, Rhymefest (still one of the worst rap names ever lol) went in on Charles Hamilton. He didn't murder him, but he did just enough to guarantee victory. Hammy (new nickname lol) can't fuck with this. I mean have you heard his diss for Soulja Boy (aka the easiet target in Hip-Hop)?? Pathetic. Two steps above Saigon's Under-Achiever lol. Welp we'll see what the Ham-man comes back with (though I'm sure we all know it'll be some lazy, more stinker).

Charles Hamilton vs. Serius Jones Battle at SOB's
Charles Hamilton - Word? Aight (Soulja Boy Diss)