"I'ma take this pussy like it's my last. I'ma, I'ma take this pussy like it's my last. I'ma, I'ma take this pussy like it's my last. I swear I'ma, I swear I'ma take it like, like I never had it at all, all, all, all, all, all, all, all."
Damn, from Benny Han Han eating all the wonton to back stage stage taking the vajayjay. He do it.
I'm just kidding, I don't actually think Big Sean rape anybody. He's at what very well may be the peak of his career and you're telling me he has resorted to taking the pussy? I don't think so. Besides the fact he's too small to take anything from anyone older than 10, generally rapist don't wait until they're famous and being thrown free pussy to start their raping career. I mean, you never know people's situation, but I'd give these allegations about a 2% chance of being true.