Wow, that went left fast. I wonder what crawled into Chad's panties today that made him so agitated by Skip being Skip? Maybe Bill Belichick had just finished sonning him for that whole "I'll live with a fan" foolishness right before he check his Twitter? I really don't know, but isn't it always weird to hear grown men over 30 talking about haters, especially when they go out of there way to seek attention? Look,
I love Ocho, but shut up nigga, no one hates you.
Ochocinco wasn't the only NFLer to get into it with Skip Bayless today though, Darnell Dockett also decided to call Skippy out for talking about FSU. Check it out:
Whatever, Darnell needs to be less worried about Skip, and more worried about what Dictator Goodell is gonna think when he see's this following tweet. You know he don't play that shit lol.