February 05, 2008

Yes, We Can! Its Super Tuesday People!!!

Aight we all know what today is, right?? Well if you're just a moron, it is Super Tuesday and over 20 states will either vote today or caucus (find out if you're on of those states HERE). I honestly don't care if Hillary beats Obama, but my full support is with Barack. Either way ANYTHING is better than these money hungry criminals we have in the White House now. Anyway, if you support Obama like me you'll love this video put together by will.i.am:

This is bigger than just an election, this is a movement! Barack Obama represents change and that's exactly what we need. It feels like 2008 is that time for change too and I'm reassured of this when I read that Obama made $32 million in the month of January off the strength of donations from the people. Obama isn't getting paid from the war and solider dying, he isn't getting paid by special interest companies, all of this is from the people! That's what really counts at the end of the day.

Plus, the fact that Bush had the nerve to seen Congress a $3.1 trillion budget plan yesterday is just more evidence we need change! That man is a criminal and he needs to be investigated and prosecuted.

I'll leave you with this quote by Eric Wilson, Foxxhole Radio's political corespondent, from last Friday's show:

"Crispus Attucks fell so that Rosa Parks could sit, Rosa Parks sat so that Dr. King could march, Dr. King marched so Barack could run, and Barack is running so our children can fly"

Get out in vote or don't complain!