May 14, 2008

Rocsi Tells It Like It Is: "50 Cent Is Garbage"

Now, as you may or may not have known, ever since I saw Rocsi in that bikini for Spring Bling she's been added to my boo list. With that being said, she's probably my only boo with Hip-Hop knowledge and she proved that when she said 50 was garbage in this video below. By "50 Cent" of course she was talking about the album Curtis as compared to Kanye's Graduation and garbage was a pretty fair assessment, if you ask me. I mean it was straight to me, but I could see how people would this it was trash. Oh yeah, by the way this is old footage.

Well at least we now know this TV personalities are actually human and don't love everything that they have to interview lol. Speaking of that, here's Rocsi and Terrence interviewing 50 and G-Unit just yesterday lol.