December 14, 2008

Iraqi Journalist Throws Show At Bush

This just in, niggas in Iraq still hate Bush lol.

HILARIOUS! LMAO!! I thought I heard my mom say something about someone throwing something at Bush, but I wasn't sure...and then I saw the video. So fuckin' funny! I wish he would've hit that bitch though because then he would've gone down in history. The Iraq government probably would've gave him his 40 virgins right then lol.

You can tell something happened because I'm watching the NBC's Football Night in America coverage and Keith Olbermann just looks extra giddy today lol. Question: How do you think that shoe would go for on eBay??


Anonymous said...

they say throwing a shoe at someone is a MAJOR insult in islamic culture....

Fiyah said...

Man, I still wish he would've hot that nigga lol.