July 21, 2009

A Few Thoughts On The Chris Brown Video

(You knew I was gonna talk about this eventually lol.)

Thought #1: Where you get that shirt from nigga?? Before I even pressed play on the video, I saw the still pic of that fuckin' shirt and I could stop focusing on it. I had to open another tab to make myself listen to what he was saying and stop looking at that hideous shirt.

In fact, the ugliness of that shirt lead to this exchange between me and my boy Big Butta last night:

Butta: "okay i seen the chris brown video and i didnt hear a damn word he said cause i was clowin on that nigga shirt the whole damn time lol"

Me: "That nigga Chris Brown look like he just came from an audition for a Bobby Brown biopic in that video lol."

Butta: "that nigga had a red chef shirt on i thought i was watchin hell's kitchen for a second lol"

Me: "Hey its his Prerogative to wear that shirt. He probably was tryna get on the next season of Iron Chef: San Quentin State Prison"

Butta: "he thought that he was michael jackson cause only mike and prince could wear that and nobody say nothin .nigga think he slick"

Me: "I bet that nigga have on the same blouse Dave Chappelle had on in the Prince skit in his next video lol."

Butta: "...lol ..hilarious cause i can really picture that nigga doin the shit"

Thought #2: Can he read?? He obviously wasn't going off the dome and was reading a statement he prepared earlier, but he was struggle like muthafucka ain't it?? He sounded like that kid in high school that hated to be called on to read out loud because they couldn't read too well. Chris probably should've used this one as a practice run and came back and did the real take later on.

Thought #3: Why?? He's got to know he's been convicted in the court of public opinion long ago, so why make this video now?? I understand he couldn't make it before for legal reasons, but at this point it just seems weird. Better late than never I guess, but we all could have gone without. I mean, this shit came off as more hilarious than anything else with his red chef shirt and poor reading so the message was kinda lost within that.

Okay that's it, I'll leave it alone now.