April 22, 2008

KG Wins Defensive Player Of The Year

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More bittersweet news for me as it pertains to me and KG as he wins his first Defensive Player of the Year Award. I always wish him well, but I'm still pissed he went to the C's. I probably should be more mad at the T'Wolves, but whatever lol. [FULL STORY]

Anyway, speaking of the NBA, did y'all see the 2 games last night?? I actually wanted the Wizards to win the series against the Cavs, but since they wore those god-awful gold and black uniforms both games I'm glad they're down 0-2 lol.

As far as the late game goes, I watched the end and the refs definitely bailed the Jazz out last night. That was FAR from a foul, but it took away the gaming tying 3 Bobby Jackson hit and the Rockets went on to lose. Tough break lol.