I was just gingerly scrolling through ESPN's video game blog when I came across this post from June about NBA Elite 11. Apparently this news was broken earlier this year, but EA failed to inform loyal NBA Live purchaser Kevin Chestnut. Hold on, I think I need a moment.
Many moments later...
Now as a fan of NBA Live since it's 1995 version for Super Nintendo (before you could even create a player), I'm both outraged and sad. Why change the name, why not just make a better game?? It's not like you can re-package the shitty NBA Live 10 under a different name and I'd buy it. I need some improvement from that turd bowl, beginning with restoring the controls back to normal.
When I tell you I only played Live 10 twice, I literally mean I've only played it twice, and I didn't make it out of the first quarter either game. I just could not get a hang of the new controls, nor was I interested in learning. So yeah, that was a waste of money, but even I wasn't mad to the point I wanted the series to be changed to something else.
I must say, I'm having a tough time wrapping my brain about being a NBA Elite guy, but I've come to my decision. This year, this is tough, I'm gonna be taking my NBA video game talents to 2K Sports. I'm going buy NBA 2K11. Sorry, Kevin Durant.