July 10, 2010

Twerk Team PSA: Betty Butt Has Left The Building

Awwww! I'm not gonna lie, my heart dropped a little bit when they said Betty Butt was gone. Betty was making huge strides to become my favorite Twerker, but I guess that will no longer happen now. Tear. Tear.

But yeah, forget what they were saying, she's pregnant, right?? I mean, why else would she stop?? In my experience with young people getting pregnant, the first thing they do is disappear. I know I'm not the only one who's noticed a Facebook friend or 2 just up and disappear, only to re-appear a year or so later with tons of baby pictures. I think this is what's going on with Betty, so hopefully we'll have her back in about a year lol. Fingers crossed.

(Side note: I know I've missed a lot of their videos, but I'll do a megapost later on, either today or tomorrow.)