November 14, 2007

Dr. Moody Gets Gully

I actually saw this on Bill O'Reilly Monday while just flipping through the channels (what, you thought I was actually watching racist O'Reilly's show willingly?? lol). Anyway, if you haven't seen this shit check it out:

I found it strange that this dude would just jump out of the car this mad, like it shows when the video starts, but I knew something had to have happened before all the madness. Check out what Dr. Moody had to say about the situation including pleading with the man and being called a nigger:

Okay, NOW it all makes sense! They call him a nigger and then try to portray him as the big angry black dude when he aint having that shit. This is the problem with some white people, they wanna act bad and use racial slurs and then when the black person gets gully and flips they wanna play the victim lol. I actually believe everything dude said because I just don't see why he'd go off like the video shows for no reason. And who knows why the sister decides to get out of the car and push him, but she got what she deserved (even though she flopped better than John Stockton there lol). At the end of the day all they had to do was MOVE THEIR FUCKIN' CAR! White people are outta control lol.


Anonymous said...

These people that thought the dude pushed the woman unprovoked are of course rednecks. White people thought they found an unjustified angry black man. He shouldn't have lied about pushing her though. That nigga didn't stick his hand out, he shoved the shit out of that broad.