November 15, 2007

A-Rod Is Back In Pinstripes

Well, well, well look who came crawling back?? If you haven't heard, Alex Rodriguez has agreed to some outline for a 10 year/$275 million contract with the Yanks. I knew that nigga wasn't wasn't going anywhere, but now its pretty much official. [FULL STORY]

On another note, A-Rod sure has a nack for one uppin' anything going on in baseball now-a-days huh? I mean damn first he one-upped the World Series by announcing he was opting out of his original Yankees contract and now, on the day Barry Bonds gets indicted for perjury, he's announcing his big ass new deal. This dude NEEDS to be the center of attention at all times and this proves it lol. Damn this nigga so rich! lol.


Anonymous said...

lmao haha that is funny that he accepted this contract the same day ol Barry is indicted lol......damn A-Rod!