November 06, 2007

Jay-Z On David Letterman Show

Finishing off Jay Day will some other type shit, check it out:


Unknown said...

Ok Ok OK im not trying to be too technical...ok i am. But ne way... when he says heroin took less steps than britney or whatever. #1 his referring to it as Britney is biting off of USDA, and B. Isnt heroine called boy and cocaine girl? Now im no Young Jeezy or Pimp C (Who manages to be the Souths biggest actual pimp aaaaaaand the souths only real drug dealer ALL @ THE SAME TIME but I digress) or Jay Z or the Lox (these are all Poets who claim to be top shelf drug lords) nor am I Nas (One who watched the drug lords lord, but didnt really participate

But I have read Dopfiend and Heroine is called Boy not girl. and its naturally brownish or off white, even unstepped on its off white, so Jay is really mixing his metaphors on this one. Or is it that he wanted to say white girl in reference to drugs so bad that he just had to say it to keep up with the times bc we all know he is 35-36-37 until Dec. 4

Fiyah said...

well 1st off im no where near as drug savvy as i am music savvy but lets try to sort this all out lol.

actually USDA said Christina Aguilera not Britney Spears, Big Kuntry from P$C said Britney Spears on a remix but im not so sure if Jay ever heard it lol.

yeah you got it right that Heroine is called white boy & coke is called white girl but the Jay-Z line was "heron got LESS steps than Britney, that mean it aint stepped on. digg me?" to me it sounds like he's sayin his white boy has been stepped on less than white girl but like i said im not drug savvy at all lol.

Unknown said...

wrong again...and i quote..."Im fresh outa Christina( who actually isnt white as if that matters) but I got that Britney Spears...Ya Dig" from lil Gillie on the USDA track White Girl. Now ur point may be right I havent finished readin it yet though but Brit Brit was mentioned on the USDA joint


Fiyah said...

i was talking about the hook, i never listened to the whole song becuz the hook was so wack so i dunno what they were actually saying during the verses lol. i didnt even really listen to Big Kuntry's but i remember seeing it on my download site & it was called Britney Spears.