November 26, 2007

R.I.P. Sean Taylor

Damn, you never like waking up to this kind of news nobody who it is, but as you all know by now Redskins' safety Sean Taylor passed away early this morning from a severed artery due to being shot in the leg yesterday. I dunno what to say about the whole situation, but it just really sad whenever anyone loses their life especially someone with a young child.

Welp like I said yesterday I'm working on my 20 reasons the NFL & NBA sucks to me now so be on the look out for that by the end of this week and here's some videos from

Official ESPN Report

Mark Schlereth on Mike and Mike

John Clayton on how this will affect the Redskins


Anonymous said...

R.I.P Sean Taylor No man should have to die like that

Much condolensces to his family and friends.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glad he died defending his family. great honor.

Wish he didn have to go