July 31, 2011

Brandon Marshall Has Borderline Personality Disorder

Lost in all the free agency signings and trade is Brandon Marshall coming out and saying his has a mental condition called borderline personality disorder. After reading up on BPD, it just sounds like a fancy word for what we used to call "crazy" back in the olden days. Either way, I wonder if this means he can get back all the money he's paid in fines over the years? (Another thing I wonder: How did his BPD react to finding out he'd be getting Matt Moore instead of Kyle Orton?) Maybe is wife has BPD too, and that's why she stabbed him? You never know, man, you never know.

Anyway, I wonder how many other athletes have BPD? Did Ron Artest have it back in his Pacer days? How about Pacman Jones? His actions are always very BPD-ish. Milton Bradley? Sean Avery? Tonya Harding? Rae Carruth? They all could have BPD and not know it.

Hey, I've got an idea, maybe we should start a "get tested for BPD" campaign? We could make one of those commercials where a bunch of people read one thing and it's cut into little 2 second bits and pasted together. We could have a BPD awareness drive and give out straitjackets and things that count to 10 slowly. Oh, and if we're lucky, we could get a BPD awareness day, or hell, even a BPD awareness month (April, I'm looking at you). And best of all, Brandon Marshall would become to BDP what Magic Johnson was to HIV. Wouldn't that be awesome? Of course it would! (Note to self: start on this immediately!)