September 17, 2007

Mascots Gone Wild!

I meant to post this like week, but I just forgot about it lol. This shit is completely HILARIOUS, but I'll let you see it before I talk about it anymore:

First off, I didn't put the music to this video, and for the record that shit is homo as hell for a dude to be singing lol. Anyway, the part that truly kills me is at the end when the Oregon Duck shoves his crotch area all in the Cougar's mouth, in a word, CLASSIC! They actually suspended the feathered fighter one game for this, but isn't he just doing his job?? I mean obviously fighting the opposition's mascot isn't in his job description, but hell, he's entertaining the crowd! I know I was entertained at least lol.

Well, I could keep talking about the greatness of this video, but instead I'll leave you with another mascot going wild for no visible reason:


Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!!!! ESPECIALLY AT GOOFY or PLUTO Whoever the fuck he is loL!!!