September 09, 2008

AT&T Is Fuckin' Up!

Wassup y'all?? Man, I uploaded like 7 tracks and been waiting on that new Kanye to come out, but now I can't do shit. We had a few power surges today and now my got damn internet is out so everything is postponed because I can't do much on the ol' Sidekick. I'm gonna try to get those tracks up and this week's This Week In Flops tomorrow, but no guarantees because I have no idea when my shit is gonna come back lol.

You know the worst part of the power surges?? I was starting my 6th season on Madden '09 and was in the 3rd or 4th quarter of my 3rd game when another one happened a few minutes ago so I lost all 3 games! I was so damn dominant in them hoes too! Oh well, no use of crying over spilled milk. Peace!