September 24, 2008

McCain Suspends His Campaign, Wants Friday's Debate Delayed

Man, I'm watching 1st & 10 on ESPN2 when I decided to go on CNN's blog and I see John McBush McCain wants to suspend his campaign to go back to Washington and work on that $700 billion Wall Street bail out plan. Oh yeah, AND he wants to delay Friday's debate!

Who does he think he's fooling?? He is NOT prepared to see Obama in a debate and this is purely a political strategy to buy more time. Isn't this the same guy who, just last week, said the economy's fundamentals were strong?? Isn't this the same guy that said he doesn't realy understand the economy?? Now he wants to go back to Washington and work on the bail out plan?? Yeah right! We are not buying this GIMMICK. They do NOT need McCain there to get this deal done. He saw people coming back to Earth after their Palin high and needed to do something dramatic. That's all this is.

Okay, lets say he is doing this because he wants to get things done, why does he wanna push back the debate?? Can anyone come up with 1 good reason?? The debate is an hour and 30 minutes, starting at 9pm on Friday, Congress won't even be working then!

This is truly sad and goes to show that republicans will do and say whatever they have to to win. I wonder what excuse they'll give to not have the VP debate go on, God knows they've tried everything in the book to not let the media talk to Palin. Hopefully next time McCain suspends his campaign it'll be for good.