September 07, 2008

Barack & Biden Fire Back!

Oh, you thought the next president and VP were gonna let that fuckery we call the RNC ride?? I think not! Watch Barack go in on his Friday in Terra Haute, IN:

The sad thing is that that wasn't a joke, the rethuglicans really do think you're stupid. And I still can't believe McSame is trying to STEAL Barack's campaign line after ridiculing it in the past. No ideas original...sad. I honestly don't think the old GOP games will matter this time though because Barack is a different type of politician and has a different type of following, but I guess we'll see Nov. 5th.

Now, lets let the new Joey B. get some:

Fuck what you heard, he's gonna eat Palin alive in the VP debate lol.

Now, Barack sons them on trying to play him for being a community organizer for 3 years...STRAIGHT OUT OF COLLEGE! (What was Palin doing one she graduated the University of Idaho with her lil B.A.???):

I'm telling you man, I have a good feeling about this election!