September 07, 2008

This very well might be the best website on the internet! Since the rethuglicans don't wanna let her be interviewed and answer some of the questions somehow deemed "sexist" somebody took the honor of putting her out for us. Be grateful. Check out the website.

One of my favorite posts is "Wasilla City Hall vs Illinois State Capitol" where they compare the Wasilla City Hall where Palin served from 1992-2002 to the Illinois State Capitol where Barack served as a state senator from 1997-2004. The picture of the 2 buildings side-by-side is a freakin' joke! The Wasilla City Hall looks like a gotdamn corner store! Seriously, you're not gonna tell me it doesn't look like you can get a bomb ass hot sausage and quarter water from there lol. They also point of that District 13, where Barack served, had a population of 210,496, while Palin's entire town of Wasilla is has a current estimated population of just 9,780. Sad.

There's so many good things in there so check out the website.