1) MTV Moving 4th Season Of "Jersey Shore" To Italy
This is awesome, insane, crazy, out of this fucking world news! The guidos and guidettes are going to Italy?!?! I'm shocked my head is still attached to my body right now!
Production is set to begin this Spring, and hopefully MTV makes another smart decision and leaves Sammi in Seaside.
2) Will Ferrell To Guest Star On "The Office"
Will Ferrell on "The Office" for 4 episodes?!?!? Wow, TV is really pouring on the awesome right now.
Of course I'm going to forget all about this by the time it airs, but somebody promise me they'll remind me? Please?
3) Jay-Z & Will Smith Form Film Partnership
This is how the rich stay rich. Damn both of you rich motherfuckers!
(Side note: What ever happened to Jay-Z kinda, sorta not liking Will Smith?? Remember he took that baby jab at him on Change The Game ("Volume 3 still sold more records than Will Smith")? And I know there were a few more times Hov mentioned Will's name in a rap. Am I the only one who recalls any of this??)
4) Drake Considering Recording Full Reggae Album?
Hey Drake, how about you record a full Rap album before you move on to the next genre, how about that?