Remember back in June when I wrote that piece called "The Top 5 Real World-less Cities of America"? Well all 5 (6 if you seriously consider Detroit...which I don't) of those cities' status has not changed because season 25 of "The Real World" will be in Las Vegas. Oh boy.
Look, the original "Real World: Las Vegas" is in my top 5 Real Worlds of all-time, but why are we re-doing cities when we still have great places that have yet to be tapped like Dallas and Atlanta?? It's not like I'm suggesting "Real World: Vermont," Phoenix or Houston would be great spots to shoot. Maybe I'm just crazy? Am I crazy? Shit, I must be CRAZY!!!!!
Anyway, "Back To Las Vegas" is supposed to air at some point in the first quarter of this year, so you can expect promos to start running soon. I'm contemplating if I should even watch because not only are they re-doing a city, but again there's only one black roommate. I don't know how many times I have to say it, but all the best Real Worlds had multiple black people! I will give them credit because they have some other races represented (3 white guys, 1 white chick, 1 black guy, 1 Cuban chick, 1 Puerto Rican and Portuguese chick, and 1 Filipino and white chick), but black is where its at.
See, MTV needed me for more than my superior Twittering skills.