October 28, 2007

Why???: Lil Wayne IS On American Gangster, Unfortunately...

I saw the tracklisting weeks ago, but I was PRAYING that track 4, Hello Brooklyn 2.0, which features Lil Wayne was just a typo or misprint BUT Hov just made it official and is posed to make the same mistake Kanye did on Graduation...well besides having only 13 songs, no skits, and Drunk And Hot Girls lol. Anyway, you can check out exactly what Jay had to say to MTV News below:

This is still sounds like a bad idea to me because with Lil Wayne, the margin for error is immensely widened. Hopefully Wayne won't fuck it up like he's done on so many other features in the past...for real, I got my fingers crossed right now! lol. Oh yeah and Shaheem Reid REALLY needs to be in line for a STFU Award after saying this is "like the collaboration everybody's been waitin' for," because I know I sure as hell wasn't lol. Anyway, you can check out the whole article HERE.


Anonymous said...

im still "iffy" on listening to the song......i downloaded the american gangster "leaked" 13 tracks but now finally downloading the movie as well(at least it didnt cut off this time). I guess I been sidetracked by the Budden/Ransom beef! lol!

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone dickriding Lil Wayne anyway. Dude is a rap whore