August 12, 2009

Somebody's Gonna Get Pregnant: Marisa Elise Photoshoot

Incredible. Simply incredible.

Question: For what percentage of this photoshoot do you think at least a portion of her nipple (if not the whole thing) was on display??

I'm think something like 62%. I'd say at least a portion of (what I'm sure are) glorious nipples were exposed in about 25-30% of this YouTube video alone so just imagine all the time she changed poses and a whole nipple slipped out. I think 62% is a strong guess.

Of course we have no way of ever knowing, but its a fun game either way lol. Shouts to!! (I wish we could've Marisa some better shoes though. I would've preferred she went barefoot over rocking those moon boots lol. Oh, and on a final sidebar, doesn't Marisa look like an even finer version of Roselyn Sanchez?? Look at their faces! They could be related lol.)

Somebody's Gonna Get Pregnant: Marisa Elise