December 13, 2007

Why???: Mitchell Report Coverage From 1-7 PM?!?!?

Man, ESPN is fuckin' up! If you noticed that little red bar at the bottom of the picture above then you see what I'm talking about. 1-7 pm??? Come the fuck on! Is this shit THAT serious that we need to spend 6 fuckin' hour covering it??? Yeah, I know its been 20 months in the making, but seriously 6 hours??? Has no one else realized that NOTHING is gonna change once this shit is released besides me?? I mean what can you do? You can't go back in the past and punish people for using steroids ESPECIALLY when it wasn't even a banned substance when they used it.

If people really gave a fuck who used steroids that much then baseball would be struggling like the NHL and NBA right now, but guess what? ITS NOT! The only people who really care about this shit is the dumbass media so they can point fingers and blah blah blah about it.

This just goes to show that ESPN's true dedication lies within baseball because ANYtime something big happens, whether its Barry Bonds getting indicted or Joe Torry getting a new job, there's a whole big "stop the presses" event and all the regularly schedule programs and pushed to the backburner.

Seriously, if they wanted to do a special on this meaningless Mitchell report, that's fine with me, but for 6 hours??? What the hell is there to talk about for 6 hours?? That's longer than the NBA Darft! There's only like 60 people on the shit anyway so why are we spending so much air time on it?? We couldn't save it for Sportcenter or at least a smaller, more condensed one hour special?? I know I'd MUCH rather watch Aroung The Horn and PTI at 5 and 5:30 than hear this played out bullshit. Whatever, I guess I'm going to sleep now since my channel is being bombarded with futile baseball bullshit.