September 26, 2008

And The Winner Is...

Barack Obama baby! It was a good debate and McCain held is own, but Barack was constantly sonning him on pretty much every topic. Barack looked presidential and McCain just looked...well, kinda angry. It looked like he was ready to snap at any moment and that was without even looking in Barack's direction once. He kept saying Barack didn't "understand" but it was Barack that was coming with all the clear facts. And I know the republicans will try to spin shit and say 'oh, Obama agreed with McCain all night' or some crap like that, but you know you'll never hear about Barack's points or strong oppositions after the initial agreement.

I'm not the only one who thought Barack won though, a new CBS poll of about 500 undecided voters after the debate said that 39% also thought he won to only 24% who thought McCain won. The remaining 37% saw it as a tie. When the poll first came out I remember hearing it was 40% to 22%, but I dunno maybe they let some more peoplr vote after watching the Fixed Fox News post-debate spin lol. Welp we'll know who really won by Monday when some real polls come out, but I'm pretty sure they'll say pretty much the same thing.

Long story short, IMO (and the opinion of 39% of those polled) Barack won this debate. I bet the McCain camp wish they hadn't placed ads today saying he won the debate even before he confirmed that he was coming lol.