October 13, 2011

Betty White & White Children Join The Y.O.W.P.R.

I don't know about you, but I'm just about Betty White'd out. Regardless, she is now the oldest MC in the Y.O.W.P.R., besting Dolly Parton by 2 minutes. Welcome, Betty.

While I was away with my computer virus a video of this little white girl singing Nicki Minaj's Super Bass went viral. Fast forward to yesterday and there she was meeting Nicki on Ellen, which made me wondering why she had yet to be included in the Y.O.W.P.R. Well no more, Y.O.W.P.R., meet Sophia Grace Brownlee!

(Side note: Isn't it odd that this little white girl is called adorable for doing this, but if it was a little black girl we'd call her ignorant and ask where her parents were at? That shit cray.)